First, a quick swing through the Guadalupe Mountains in Texas.
Between these photos, our trusty 11-1/2 year old minivan celebrated a significant milestone--130,000 miles. We honked and clapped for our little green friend.
We probably should have treated it to a nice car wash spa or something, but we were in the windy, dusty Texas mountains...with a storm headed our way.
March 20, 2010
Onward home...
But first, a stop in Ft. Stockton, an old historical town that was built to protect the west's travelers and settlers from the Comanche attacks.
It's what I think of when I think of the Old West.
We stopped at the old Fort cemetery on our way out of town.
This tombstone certainly caught my eye.
I imagined some outlaw had killed this man. Then I looked him up.
"In the 1880s Sheriff A.J. Royal was an infamous figure in Fort Stockton's history. Royal's reign as sheriff crossed the line into terrorism, his constituents believed, as six men were killed by his fast draw. The townspeople took matters into their own hands. A black bean lottery was held among the area's prominent citizens, with the winner becoming the designated assassin. Royal met his demise in November 1894 and the murder was never solved."
Ooo, neato history stuff!
And I loved this young girl's epitaph.
"A friend to the friendless.
A helper to the helpless."
Such a beautiful way to be epitomized.
Young Inez got life right! I the only one who enjoys looking at old tombstones?
Goodbye Ft. Stockton.
Goodbye Paisano Pete, probably the world's largest road runner.